Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Franz Kline, Calligraphy, George Mathieu

I was given a brief to look at an German artist called Franz Kline which he looks at objects close up and draws them to give them an abstract feel. which it is a drawing with line, form and structure but you could not tell what it is until the artist would reveal what the painting is of. To help with this brief we was given a project just before to create an installation and this was to help because so we could take curtain aspects of the installation and draw from it in his style of working. 

Half way through the brief was given was was given a task to look at Chinese Calligraphy. At first i didn't know where to go with this because I didn't know much about calligraphy even after the research I didn't feel anymore confident about this part of the brief. So I started off looking at Kline and how he works and started to experiment in his style of work but doing it in my own medium. 

This was two of several drawings I did in the style of Franz Kline but i used the mediums that work best for which is doing it on digital media and my Wacom tablet. Then I drew on the tablet to create the picture on photoshop.


Once I done my research for Chinese Calligraphy I looked at how they write there alphabet and they have the original alphabet which is the more complex and the modern language is more simple for them to learn however they still have lessons to learn how to write it out correctly because one wrong line changes the whole pronunciation of the letter/phrase. 

However I didn't want to look at calligraphy in its form i wanted to put my twist on it. So i started to look at people signatures because curtain parts of peoples signatures will look similar to Chinese Calligraphy. I started off with just mine but then i started to use other people signatures and took sections of theres. 

At first i started to overlay the signatures over each other and changed the uppercuts to give the signature depth and extra line so there will be more parts to sections of. 

Then I started to look at proper gander poster that the Chinese and Japanese. What i found while i was looking at the posters that they like to use Red as the primary colour for there background to make it in your face and they also do this because it is the main colour feature on both of there National Flags. So I had a go at creating a poster myself. 

I was struggling to make the poster blend into each other to make it look like it has got a flow to it. so i decided to go back to taking sections of the signatures and overlaying them onto a red background so they combine together. 

I looked at an artist that linked in well with this style of work and i found a artist called George Mathieu. He does similar style of work to this but in a different medium. But i don't think this piece reflects my abilities of to place the signatures. 

So I looked at filling the page more but I feel like this doesn't work either because yes I want it to be in your face but I feel like this is a little bit to much, so it is over powering. So I confined areas to make it more eye pleasing. 

Final Piece

Sport Mural

This is two of my ink experiments that I did that were inspired by Jackson Pollack. He does action painting which links in well with the brief we was given. We was told that we have to use silhouettes of people doing sports but i wanted to use the idea of action painting to bring them to life like they are playing the sport with the students.

This was the effect i wanted to create in the top photo, with using the photo underneath. I  create this on photoshop with using the quick selection tool and selecting the figure in the photos and then layer the ink photo over the top and cut the figure out and then the background to get the final image. Then i would do the same in different colours with different styles of figures in different sporting potions. 

How I would present it for the brief 

We was given a wall in our Sports Gym in our college which has a plain white wall that is 19 meter long and and 3 meter high and they wanted to have around 5/6 figures on the wall with all different sports being played. However they didn't want it to be too distracting to the players. i would either find a method to print out the pictures out human size but then the cost of that would be too expensive because we only have a curtain budget. The second option was to draw the figures on the wall and then do the action painting in the space of where when have marked the figure. This would be a lot cheaper a lot more durable and quicker. To display my idea to the Sport staff i would display it to them on a digital format so it cost effective and can be displayed.  


Textile Project

We was given a brief called 'one white shirt' which linked in with our textiles project because we was also given another brief cal...